Entity mode for PostgreSQL

Entity mode is used to store entities in the table. Entities represent the state of an object at a specific point in time.


To enable entity mode, set the entityMode option to true.

In entity mode, the behavior of the transform function changes. The transform function must return a list of operations:

  • { insert: data }: insert new data into the table.
  • { update: data, entity: key }: update the entity uniquely identified by key with the new data.

Table schema

The table schema for entity mode is different from the default mode. The type of _cursor is int8range since the integration must track for which blocks an entity state is valid.

create table yourtable(
  -- your columns
  _cursor int8range

The following diagram shows how _cursor works. Each row represents an account balance at the given block interval, with the most recent balance having infinite upper bound.

                                 10          17         23        blocks
╔═════════════════════════════╗  └─────┬─────┘
║          Balances           ║        │     └────┬─────┘
╟───────┬──────────┬──────────╢        │          │     └────┬───── ─ ─ ─
║ key   │ value    │ _cursor  ║        │          │          │
╠═══════╪══════════╪══════════╣        │          │          │
║ 0xAB  │ 100      │ [10,17)  ║────────╯          │          │
╟───────┼──────────┼──────────╢                   │          │
║ 0xAB  │ 200      │ [17,23)  ║───────────────────╯          │
╟───────┼──────────┼──────────╢                              │
║ 0xAB  │ 150      │ [23,∞)   ║──────────────────────────────╯

Querying data

To query the latest state for an entity, add the upper_inf(_cursor) condition to the WHERE clause.

SELECT * FROM balances WHERE upper_inf(_cursor);

You can query for the state at a specific block using the <@ operator.

SELECT * FROM balances WHERE 9123456::bigint <@ _cursor


Consider a smart contract for a game that emits a GameStarted(game_id) event when a player starts a new game, and GameEnded(game_id, score) when the game ends.

export default function transform({ header, events }) {
  const { timestamp } = header;
  return events.flatMap(({ event }) => {
    if (isGameStarted(event)) {
      const { game_id } = decodeEvent(event);
      return {
        insert: {
          status: "STARTED",
          created_at: timestamp,
    } else if (isGameEnded(event)) {
      const { game_id, score } = decodeEvent(event);
      return {
        entity: {
        update: {
          status: "ENDED",
          updated_at: timestamp,
    } else {
      return [];
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