Filtering onchain data

Apibara DNA streams deliver only the data needed by your application, that's how they achieve their unbeatable performance and price.

For this to happen, the DNA server needs to know what data your application needs, this is done through filters. This guide explains how filters work at a high-level, without going into network-specific details.

Find network-specific information in the following pages:

Why we need filters

Apibara DNA filters data for the following reasons:

  • Better developer experience: our servers go through all onchain data so you don't have to. By filtering data server side, your application only gets what is needed.
  • Faster indexing speed: we use advanced techniques like bitmaps to quickly filter through millions of blocks of data.
  • Reduced cost: network egress fees are expensive. Filtering data before sending it over public networks reduces our and ultimately your cost.

How filters work

Filters are applied on all blocks, from genesis up to the most recent pending block. If any filter matches, the DNA stream sends this data (grouped by block) to the client.

As an example, let's consider a theoretical blockchain where a block is comprised of the following pieces:

  • header: contains block hash, timestamp, etc.
  • transactions: an ordered list of transactions submitted by users.
  • receipts: an ordered list of transaction receipts.
  • logs/events: logs/events emitted by executing transactions.

The filter for this blockchain will have the following filters available:

  • header: always include it or not.
  • transactions: filter by sender or target contract.
  • logs/events: filter by contract emitting the event or by the event type.

Notice that as a developer you can include multiple transaction and log filters. A transaction or log is included if any filter matches. Furthermore, transactions, receipts, and logs ordering is preserved independently of the filters order.

A transaction/log filter matches if all filter conditions match.

A single filter can produce multiple pieces of data, for example a transaction filter can also send the receipt of a matching transaction like in the following diagram.

║         Block          ║
║│  Transactions        │║
║├──────────────────────┤║                                ╔════════════════════════╗
║│  0xA to 0xC          │║       {                        ║          Data          ║
║├──────────────────────┤║         transactions: [        ║┌──────────────────────┐║
║│  0xA to 0xD          │║           { from: "0xA" }      ║│  Transactions        │║
║├──────────────────────┤║         ]                      ║├──────────────────────┤║
║│  ...                 │║       }                        ║│  0xA to 0xC          │║
║├──────────────────────┤║                │               ║├──────────────────────┤║
║│  0xB to 0xD          │║                │               ║│  0xA to 0xD          │║
║┌──────────────────────┐║                                ║┌──────────────────────┐║
║│  Receipts            │║                                ║│  Receipts            │║
║├──────────────────────┤║                                ║├──────────────────────┤║
║│  0xA to 0xC          │║                                ║│  0xA to 0xC          │║
║├──────────────────────┤║                                ║├──────────────────────┤║
║│  0xA to 0xD          │║                                ║│  0xA to 0xD          │║
║├──────────────────────┤║                                ║└──────────────────────┘║
║│  ...                 │║                                ╚════════════════════════╝
║│  0xB to 0xD          │║


Example 1

The following filter matches all transactions from address 0xA OR 0xB.

const filter = {
  transactions: [{ from: "0xA" }, { from: "0xB" }],

Example 2

The following filter matches all transactions from address 0xA to 0xC. All other transactions from 0xA will not match.

const filter = {
  transactions: [{ from: "0xA", to: "0xC" }],

Example 3

The following filter matches all transactions.

const filter = {
  transactions: [{}],

Example 4

The following filter is equivalent to the previous example, but performs extra work on the server. In general, this is not an issue since the server deduplicates data.

const filter = {
  transactions: [
    { from: "0xA" }, // First filter transactions from 0xA...
    {}, // Then re-scan and include all transactions.

Weak header filter

Header filters can be configured to be weak. Weak filters will return data only if any other filter matches. This is used to receive block headers while avoiding receiving blocks that contain no information about your application.

Last modified

Apibara is the fastest platform to build production-grade indexers that connect onchain data to web2 services.

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