The apibara.config.ts
file is where you configure your project. If the project is using Javascript, the file is named apibara.config.js
runtimeConfig: R extends Record<string, unknown>
The runtimeConfig
contains the runtime configuration passed to indexers if they accept it.
Use this to configure chain or environment specific options such as starting block and contract address.
export default defineConfig({
runtimeConfig: {
connectionString: process.env["POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING"] ?? "memory://",
presets: Record<string, R>
Presets represent different configurations of runtimeConfig
. You can use presets to switch between different environments, like development, test, and production.
export default defineConfig({
runtimeConfig: {
connectionString: process.env["POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING"] ?? "memory://",
presets: {
dev: {
connectionString: "memory://",
preset: string
The default preset to use.
rootDir: string
Change the project's root directory.
buildDir: string
The directory used for building the indexers. Defaults to .apibara
outputDir: string
The directory where to output the built indexers. Defaults to .apibara/build
indexersDir: string
The directory where to look for *.indexer.ts
or .indexer.js
files. Defaults to indexers
Project level hooks.
logger: LoggerFactory
A function that returns an indexer-specific logger for the indexers.
debug: boolean
Enable debug mode, printing more detailed logs.
Build config
rolldownConfig: RolldownConfig
Override any field in the Rolldown configuration.
exportConditions?: string[]
Shorthand for rolldownConfig.resolve.exportConditions
File watcher
watchOptions: WatchOptions
Configure Rolldown's file watcher. Defaults to {ignore: ["**/node_modules/**", "**/.apibara/**"]}